How to Change Pro Stick Aiming in NBA 2K21?

NBA 2K21 will be taking a page from NBA 2K17's book with Shot Stick Aiming and improving it for the Pro Stick. Here is everything you need to know about the NBA 2K21 new Pro Stick Aiming system, how to change Pro Stick Aiming, and Pro Stick Shot Aiming tips.


NBA 2K21: New Pro Stick Aiming System

NBA 2K21 released a patch that features several tweaks, most notably to the new Pro Stick shot system.

Here are some notable alterations to the aiming system:

• New Pro Stick Aiming/Shot Timing selector. On your first boot, you will now have the option to choose between using the new Pro Stick Aiming mechanic or the traditional Shot Timing mechanic.

• Enabled the ability to use Pro Stick Shot Aiming with the Shot Meter setting turned off.

• The ideal Shot Aiming point is now determined by how slowly or quickly the Pro Stick is initially deflected when starting a shot. A slow flick will move the ideal aim point to the left, while a fast flick will move the ideal point to the right, giving players more consistency with Pro Stick shooting.

• Improved standing dunk reliability when using the Pro Stick.

How to Change Pro Stick Aiming in NBA 2K21?

Here's how to change pro stick aiming in NBA 2K21.

1. Shot Aiming and Shot Timing

When the game was first launched, the pro stick could only be used for aiming at jump shots. This means that you would have to use the stick to keep a yellow marker inside a target window on each jump shot. It's essentially a mini-game within the new shot meter.

After a recent patch, pro stick timing was brought forward from last year's game, into NBA 2K21. With pro stick timing, players simply have to release the stick at the right time to let go of the ball on a jump shot. This is how it's been for years now.

2. How to Choose Between Aiming and Timing?

To choose which type of jump-shot mechanic to use, you'll need to first go to the Options menu. This menu can be reached from the pause menu of any game mode, or even by pausing the game mid-match. It can also be reached from the Features tab on the main menu.

From Options, select Controller Settings. Under Controller Settings, you’ll see the Shot Aiming and Shot Timing options. From here, you can set your preferences.

You can set either of them to work for shots and layups, or shots only. The new Shot Aiming mechanics can be turned off completely, while Shot Timing can't.

NBA 2K21 Pro Stick Shot Aiming Tips

Here are some tips for getting greens using the Pro Stick Aiming option, which is enabled by default.

1. Pull down on the right stick. Note that the meter starts close to the center, not to the left or right.

2. After pulling back, tweak the stick's position ever so slightly to the left or right based on where the high-percentage area is. You genuinely need to have very steady hands to aim your shot correctly.

3. When using Pro Stick Aiming you don't have to release the shot. Just pull down on the stick, adjust the aim and your character will take care of the rest.

4. There are no penalties for mistiming your shot with the trigger, but if you get it right you get a bigger boost.

New Pro Stick shot system changes will make shooting more intuitive and complex in NBA 2K21. You won't be forced to use the Pro Stick for shooting, but it will add some extra benefits for your accuracy at the cost of having to nail it with your skills.

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