How To Earn NBA 2K21 MT Coins?

NBA 2K21 MT is MyTeam Points and can be used to buy packs at the Pack Market as well as players or other cards in the Auction House. While getting more NBA 2K21 MT is a bit tougher or expensive to do, getting it is something offered in many ways. To help you earn MT coins quickly, we've compiled some useful methods that you can use to rack up the NBA 2K21 MT coins!


Domination – When all is said and done, the absolute best way to earn serious amounts of NBA 2K21 MT coins is to domination the games you play. Strut your stuff on the hardwood floors with long-range bombs and rim-rattling dunks and you're sure to fill your virtual pockets with MT coins in no time at all!

Complete Challenges – Pay close attention to the challenges being issued. Sure, you can compete in any mode you want but these challenges are the ones that can yield you the most coins!

Triple Threat online/offline – Triple Threat is the perfect game mode for anyone looking for quick games with constant and instant rewards. Playable online or offline, the rewards vary, from tokens to various types of packs, and from MT to specific players.

Auction House – One way many gamers are able to get MT is through their Auction House listings. As you get more cards, you'll learn to start listing them for bids or Buy Now offers to add to your total MT.

Locker Code – Another free way to acquire MT is by entering Locker Codes. You can redeem a Locker Code for player, pack, or MT in NBA 2K21 MyTeam.

Play to Your Team's Strengths – Stock teams are easy to figure out and beat. By understanding your current roster's strengths (and weaknesses), you can stick to a gameplan that utilizes their talents to the fullest. More wins, more coins!

Don't waste your MT on junk cards – Try to save MT coins and don't waste them on junk cards, because it will be a worthless investment. You can complete the spotlight challenges and get the cards for free.

Buy player cards directly – Do not spend MT on any pack, please buy the required card directly. Unless you really like gambling and know that you may end up with a lot less than you started.

Grind it Out – The more you play, the more rewards you'll reap. It's that simple.

Based on How You Perform in Games – MT will stack up based on how you perform in games too. So as you and your team get better stats and bigger wins, you'll see the MT added after games.

These are the best ways we've found to make MT quickly, do you have anything else to add? Also, visit here for more of the latest game updates.